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December 21, 1999 - Tuesday

I know that I should be happy I got lots of exercise today but, I'm not. It takes a long time to walk to work from my apartment. I spent a bit over an hour today walking back and forth. And halfway to work, I discovered that my rubber boots had a leak in them. I had to buy a new ones on my lunch hour!

I was darn busy at work today. Seven classes. But the time passed quickly and generally the classes went well. In my kids group today we did stamping and I think they really enjoyed it.

I got two Christmas cards today. Yay! Unfortunately, they were from people that I didn't send cards to yet. I guess that I should send some soon?

Tomorrow I'm just as busy. E-Gads. But then Thursday is a holiday. Hurray.

That's it for today. Ciao.

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