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April 4, 2000 - Tuesday

The weather today was beautiful. If I'd had more sense I'd have taken the day off work and gone to the beach. It was sunny and warm. Even tonight it wasn't cold.

Classes went generally well today, except my children's group didn't come. I wonder why. The phone rang off the hook today, but the manager was away and my Japanese isn't up to talking on the phone. I couldn't say more than the name of the school. I wouldn't have a clue what people were saying to me.

A student of mine that had been away came back too. That was nice. I had wondered what had happened to him. He said he'd been busy.

I had a visitor at the school today. One of my former students from Sakata came to say hi. It was really nice to see him again. We e-mail and call, but I haven't seen him in a long time.

After work I did something crazy. I stayed late and read my fortune. I wrote it down so I guess I'll be able to check if it comes true!

Later I watched Moll Flanders and enjoyed it very much. I also discovered that the show Dinosaurs is on now. I didn't like it too much before, but it is in English, so I'll give it a look.

Hope tomorrow is cool.....

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