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April 6, 2000 - Thursday

Today was a good day. The weather was terrific...a bit windy, but sunny and warm. I hardly had to pedal on the way to work, the wind pushed me along.

Classes went well. I only had a few today and my child lesson didn't happen. I called teachers again and even talked to the new teacher in my area.

I did stamping and embossing in my chat time and it was so successful I'm planning to do it again for people who couldn't come this week. My room was full, I couldn't fit more people in.

For my last class I had given the student a newspaper article to read. I told her if it was too hard she didn't have to worry about it. Well, she read it and looked up all the words she didn't understand and wrote down all the definitions. I was so impressed. I didn't expect her to do all that work. It was about Tony Blair's dilemma in Great Britain. His wife asked him to take some time off when she has the baby and he's not sure what to do. My student is a working woman, also married and a mother, so I thought she might be interested in the topic. She was!

After work, I stopped in at the grocery store and picked up a few things for supper and breakfast (Toast anyone?). When I got home I watched the end of Tarzan. Why oh why do I watch that show? In Canada I used to watch Hercules, and even though it wasn't terribly brilliant it was very tongue in cheek. This Tarzan show takes itself way, way too seriously. It is terrible. I know, I watch it because it is the only thing on! That's it!
I'd best be off now... have a good one!

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