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April 13, 2000 - Thursday

What a day. I didn't leave the office until midnight. I had to do a lot of paperwork. It's performance appraisal time. Blech.

Work itself was fine. My classes all went quite well. In my child's class today I was really surprised when he said "thank you." No prompting or anything. It's the first time he's really said anything like that, and it was appropriate too! His writing is getting a bit better. I've got him doing phonics and practicing writing the letters.

I did chat time again, and again I did stamping. It was much easier this time as there was only 3 people.

That's about it. I came home, watched Tarzan on tape and checked my e-mail. I'm so happy, last night I was able to book a hotel via the internet so it looks like all my sleeplessness was for naught. This morning I was so worked up I couldn't do my long lie in and got up to check and see if I really did book my hotel. I did, so I'm okay I think. It was my first time using the internet to do that. Yay me.

I'm off to bed now. Tomorrow I have a lot of work to do. Later...

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