August 9, 2000 - Wednesday
Today was a scorcher. It was very, very hot. It was sunny too, so it was kind of
I taught the last lesson of a class that I only had for three weeks. I was really
sorry to see that one go back to Justin as I enjoyed teaching it very much. But,
it was only transferred to me because of the school holidays. When school starts
again, it would conflict with another class I have. Today I taught about time. That was fun.
It was a good lesson, and one that is totally practical too.
My other classes went well. The rambunctious boy in my children's class was a bit
subdued today. So much in fact that I was terribly worried about him. He might have
a cold or something.
I did a lot of lobby service today. The managers are all on holiday, so there's no-one
to greet students. I sat out there and talked to some students which is always a
lot of fun.
I created a new game for my children's class. Okay, it isn't a NEW game, but it is
an adaptation of an old one. I did Body Part Bingo. I cut up a body drawing and
used that to get the vocabulary across. It worked quite well.
After work I walked home with Justin and then cooked my own supper. Can you believe
it? I couldn't either. But I did. Of course, since it's Wednesday, I also watched
Beverly Hills 90210. It wasn't so good tonight. Something about a kidnapping, and
a heart attack on Valentine's Day.
That's about it for me for tonight. I'm going to take a holiday next month and I'm
looking forward to it. Should be fun.
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