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February 3, 2000 - Thursday

I did it! I actually rode my bike to work today, and I didn't fall. Hurray! The weather was mostly dry with just a smidgen of raindrops. Most of the snow has gone, I'm happy to report, but I see that it might be heading back this way. Sigh.

I got a birthday present today. One of my students gave me a huge bag with 4 presents in it. I was very surprised. There are a lot of people coming to the party on Sunday. It should be fun. I really hope that we can go to karaoke afterwards.

My bruises are still interesting colours. The one below my knee is growing and I still can't put any weight on it when I get up. When I'm standing I'm fine.

I had a call from a student. He'd finally been able to access my home page and enjoyed reading it! He asked about my bruises, the first student to do that!

Today was actually a pretty good day, I think. Hope tomorrow is too....

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