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February 5, 2000 - Saturday

Happy Birthday to Me!

I stayed up awfully late on Friday night. I didn't mean to, but I did.I was watching one of my sister's videos and the time just got away from me. It was 4 am before I went to bed. I was planning to catch the 10:30 am train, but I didn't! When I finally got up I dressed and packed quickly. I did catch the 12:09 pm train.

The train ride was very nice, quite quiet. In Niigata I went first to the Tourist Information Office and wonder of wonders, one of the workers there spoke really good English. I got her to recommend a hotel for me, and she made a reservation. It was really close, so I walked there and checked in. Since it was my birthday I was planning to stay in a posher place, but this was really nice. I dumped my backpack and went shopping!

I first went to my stamp store where I behaved myself. I only bought a couple of stamps and a few markers. I also that day went to Virgin Megastore (I bought Eurythmics and Michelle Wright), Kinokunia books (I got a British Cosmo, a Premiere Magazine and some books for school.), then I went to The Rock And Roll Diner for a late lunch/early supper. I was hungry - I hadn't eaten all day, so I had chili fries and chicken and beef Fajitas. Yum. It was delicious.

On my way back to the hotel I stopped in at Daiei and did a bit of shopping. I got 2 new shirts and a vest. Then, I thought, what the heck, and I made a print club! I felt a little silly in amongst all the teenagers, but so what? That being done, I returned to my hotel. I popped out again briefly to buy something to drink. The honour bar in the room was a bit too expensive, so I went to the convenience store. Later I was going to go to the restaurant for supper but I decided that I really wasn't that hungry, so I went back to my room. I spent the rest of the night relaxing and luxuriating in the feeling of being alone and doing something really different. I actually went to bed quite early for me, at 12:30.

What a great day! I just had the best time. I had taken the day off work and I really didn't want to waste it by staying at home, sleeping all day. It was perfect....

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