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February 6, 2000 - Sunday

This morning I woke up quite easily when the alarm went off. I showered, dressed and took myself off to find breakfast. I went to the hotel's "viking"...that's a smorgasbord for you non Japan people. It was pretty good and I enjoyed it.Then I checked out and made my way back to the train station. I caught the 10:42 train back to Tsuruoka. The train ride was uneventful. I was reading a book about the making of the Oxford English Dictionary which was darn interesting. I haven't finished it yet.

In Tsuruoka I had a lot of time before the party so I went to my office and read the newspapers. After a while my boss came into the office...I really surprised her. Just before 2 we left to take a taxi to the restaurant. There weren't many people there yet, but they soon came. Lots of people were there, and we had a very nice time. I got lots of stuff, I can hardly believe it. People must really like me! We ate pasta, gabbed a lot and had fun.

Then some of us went to karaoke. That was fun too. I sang a was fun. I had a request for "Hotel California" so I started to sing it, but someone accidentally cut it off! Oh well. I don't particularly like that song anyway.

After the party I got a ride back to my office where I repacked some of my presents and put the flowers in water at the school. I didn't bring them home because I wanted lots of people to enjoy them, not just me.

Then I bicycled home. At home I checked my e-mail which I'm still in the midst of answering, wrote yesterday's entry et cetera, et cetera....

My sister called from Canada, which was great. It was nice to talk to her.

I had a fabulous weekend. It was nice to get away and go shopping and it was nice to have a party with my friends and students too. It was just a life-affirming time, when it could have been just another couple of days.

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