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February 7, 2000 - Monday

Today was slow, but relaxing too. I slept in quite late, the first day all weekend with no alarms. Yay! I did laundry and around 4 pm I went out for a late lunch/early supper. The problem with me on weekend days is that I don't eat. I usually don't have any food in the house, so I just wait until I can't stand it any more and then go to a restaurant. Sigh. Yeah, I know, I could cook....but why?

So, after I went out for supper I walked to the grocery store and bought bread and laundry detergent. That's it. Then I came home and decided to tackle the thank you cards. I made 19 I think. I also wrote them all out tonight. I owe some of the Sakata people cards too, but maybe I can get by with sending them a Thank You e-mail?? I hope. And that's it. Not an exciting day, but I enjoyed it.

And tomorrow? Back to work...oh well.....

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