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February 9, 2000 - Wednesday

During the night it snowed so I decided that I should walk to work today. I'm glad I did because while the snow wasn't too deep, it didn't seem a safe idea. I don't need matching bruises on the other side!

My birthday present from Taeko arrived today. She gave me a great Teddy Bear and an organizer. They are great. The Teddy is a good size for hugging too.

Work was fine today. I had a lot of students not show up, don't know if it was because of the weather or not. Nothing bad happened and in fact classes went quite well. I was quite pleased.

I got a ride home from Hitomi's sister tonight so I was home before 10:00. That was a nice surprise. To celebrate, I went grocery shopping. On the way I listened to a cd with my new cd player. That was nice, really nice. I enjoyed being able to listen to music again.

I returned home and watched some taped TV that I had and then stopped for Tarzan, The Epic Adventures. I can't believe I watch that show. Yes, Joe Lara's darn fine eye candy (but I'd prefer Kevin Sorbo any day) but the show is just terrible. The stories make no sense and the acting is awful. However it is in English...I think that is the deciding factor!

Anyway, after writing a bit of e-mail I've decided to try to get to bed fairly early....maybe!

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