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February 11, 2000 - Friday

It was a holiday today, so I stayed home and cleaned. It was a good way to spend the day. Very cheap! I watched the movies I rented yesterday. Or, I should say, I'm watching the movies I rented yesterday. I rented a made for TV movie "Max Q: Emergency Landing" with the very talented Bill Campbell, then "The Brothers Grimm - Snow White", creepy but cool, and now I'm watching "Arlington Road" with Tim Robbins, Jeff Bridges and the marvelous Joan Cusack. It's okay so far.

I tidied up my living room...and about time too. I also prepared some books to send to my friend in Canada. But, I don't know if I'll send them off tomorrow or not. It's kind of heavy to carry all the way to the post office.

I decided to go out for supper tonight and I was surprised by the amount of snow out there. It must have snowed during the night last night. Anyway, I trudged to the restaurant, got close and decided that it looked too busy, so I turned around and came home. I ate a can of tuna and some miso soup instead. It was really good.

So, that was my day. Tomorrow I'm back to work.

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