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February 12, 2000 - Saturday

The walk to work today wasn't too much fun. It was like walking on sand, cold sand that you could slip on! And then when I got there, I discovered that my first class had cancelled. Sigh. And then later, my private class cancelled too. I couldn't believe it. Two in one day.

My group classes went really well today although not everyone showed up. In the first one we talked about a traditional Japanese tale, Urashimo Taro. It was neat. In fact I ended up lending a book of Japanese tales in English to a student. In the other class we did asking for and giving advice with "should". That was fun too.

In my "spare" time I did some prep work for the area meeting that I'm having at the end of the month. It's funny, when I worked at the bank in Canada they never gave me that kind of responsibility. Here I have tons of responsibility and I think I'm handling it responsibly. I think so anyway. I wonder if my teachers are ready for......The Paperwork Quiz (sounds of maniacal laughter in the background). No one expects The Paperwork Quiz!

After work tonight I prepared for the meeting on Tuesday. I grabbed my shoes, clothes, name tag, and other essentials. Then I asked my manager if she would like to go out for something to eat. She said yes, so we went to one izakaya, but it was too busy. Then we went to another one (which I like better anyway) and had supper. I got to have ume chasuke again. I love it. Japanese comfort food. Then I walked home. It was 1:00 am, and very quiet. It was a bit slippery in places, but not too bad. I made it home without mishap.

At home I watched a bit of "Countdown TV" and then decided to write this entry. I'm currently listening to Michelle Wright while I write this entry. It's great to know that I'm not disturbing my neighbours...I'm using my new cd player. Her greatest hits is a great cd. She's one of our talented Canadian Country singers. She came out around the same time as Shania Twain, but she hasn't made it as big. Yet.

Anyway, I gotta go.....Later

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