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February 13, 2000 - Sunday

A quiet day today. I slept in, did laundry and washed my dishes. Those of you who know me well know that that is a day to celebrate.

Also today I re-watched Snow White. I was disappointed today because the TV movie was dubbed into Japanese so I watched Grosse Pointe Blank again. I really love that film. Call me weird, I don't mind. Then when I realized that Ally McBeal wasn't going to be on, I finally watched Contact. My friend sent it to me for my Christmas present last year (1998), but I didn't get around to watching it until now. Silly me. I enjoyed it a lot. A friend of mine told me he walked out of it when it was playing at the theatre, but I don't know why. Oh well. I like Jodie Foster, she's an intelligent actress.

I also pseudo cooked tonight. I made curry and rice. Can you believe it? Okay I made rice and heated up the curry.

Anyway, I'm sorry that this was a kind of boring entry. I have no plans for tomorrow beyond going to the bank. Should be fun!

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