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February 14, 2000 - Monday

Well, it's Valentine's Day, but I think the little guy forgot me. I didn't get anything. Sigh. A few of my friends sent me e-mails with Valentine greetings, but that's it.

I'm writing this early because I'm off to bed soon. I have to get up at an ungodly hour tomorrow so I can catch a train to take a plane to go to a meeting. I'm actually not even sure what time the train is. I hope one of my co-workers will let me know.

I stayed up late last night watching Contact. It was pretty good. Then I decided to take out my plastic garbage. I wasn't taking it out at the right time so I was a bit nervous, but I discovered that other people had already taken theirs out too, so it was okay. After that, bed.

I went to the post office and the bank today. Then the grocery store where I bought a few things for lunch and dinner. Home after that, and that's where I stayed. I watched The Wedding Singer again. It's a cute movie, plus it has Billy Idol in it.

Basically that's my day. I packed my clothes for tomorrow. I hope I'm not forgetting anything.

In a bit I'll probably eat supper and then go to bed.

I'm away for a couple of days, don't worry about me!

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