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February 19, 2000 - Saturday

I'm so glad this week is over! It was so long. That trip to Sapporo was exhausting. I'm looking forward to going to bed tonight and maybe not getting up all day tomorrow. Seriously though, I do wonder if maybe I'll get a cold because I have been feeling a bit hot all day.

No major problems today. Classes went pretty well. I was happy with them. One of my Saturday students cancelled his lesson yesterday, so I arranged to check another student's level in his time slot. Then the first student called us today and asked if I could teach him after all. We had to do a bit of schedule shuffling which was a pain, but it didn't inconvenience anyone. Except me! Oh well. That's business I guess.

I had to stay late tonight and do paperwork. Sigh. I dislike paperwork very much.

Anyway, that's it for me for tonight. My bed is calling.

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