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February 20, 2000 - Sunday

There's something nice about getting to spend the morning in bed. Especially after a week in which I had two days of incredibly early mornings it was really nice to sleep in. It would have been nicer if I could have had breakfast in bed too, but that would have required me to get up and make it, so it didn't happen.

I had a nice lazy day. I did my laundry, finished my book, and made some miso soup. It was great. It was only instant, but it had eggplant in it. Yum. After 7 I set my VCR to tape the Antiques Road Show and then went out for sushi. It was delicious. I don't think they know what to make of me at the restaurant. I don't speak a lot of Japanese, but I've gone there about 3 times by myself. After supper I went to the grocery store to pick up a few things.

When I came home I put away the groceries and then watched a Rob Lowe movie on TV. It was okay, but I much preferred his Midnight Man series. I used to have a big thing for Rob Lowe back in his St. Elmo's Fire days.

Then I watched The Antiques Road Show, Ally McBeal, and an old black and white movie that I missed the beginning of, so I don't know what it was called. Now I'm watching some of the tapes from home. Right now it's The Pretender. I should actually go to bed, but the episode is really good. And that's it for me. Later.

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