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February 22, 2000 - Tuesday

Today's walk to work was okay. There was a bit of snow over the ice, so there was some traction. However, the walk home was awful. It was snowing those really hard ice balls again. I had to use my umbrella for part of the trip and I was afraid it would collapse under the wind. It was nasty. It wasn't a night for nice Canadian ladies to be out in. Or nice Japanese ladies. Or anyone for that matter.

At work today I was a bit busy. I had six classes. It's not the most I've ever had, but it was enough for today. I have to do some prep work tomorrow for the rest of the week. I hope that I'm able to.

Last night I went to bed early and it was a good thing I did. I woke up and realized that I'd forgotten to turn on the alarm part of my stereo. I turned it on manually and was soon blissfully humming (snoring?) along to The Bay City Rollers. What a way to wake up. Talk about your genki start to the day.

Tonight when I came home tonight I actually cooked. Can you believe it? I can't! I made fried rice, to use up some of my leftovers from breakfast. It was okay, but I think I need to refine my recipe.

Catch ya later!

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