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February 24, 2000 - Thursday

Today was not the greatest day. My four year old student cried in his lesson, I found out that 2 of the teachers might not come to the meeting on Sunday and I'm still worried about getting that cold. I'm not a happy camper.

My lessons went well today, except for the 4 year old's. Actually though, even it didn't go too badly. He made a mistake and started crying. I wasn't upset, in fact I barely noticed! I let him cry for a minute or two then switched games and we played a version of Tiddlywinks.

We were busy at the school today. I had an interview which I think went well. I did a bit of planning for the meeting. I'm still stressing out about that. I even phoned Pamella tonight for ideas and got some. Yay!

I think this is enough for today. Am I right?

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