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February 25, 2000 - Friday

I'll be so glad when my meeting is over. I'm so tired of staying late and working on things for the meeting. I didn't leave my office until after 11 tonight. Sigh. I just hope that things go well and I don't overwork myself.

Weather-wise, the morning walk was okay if a bit snowy. Tonight it was again snowing and blowing and I saw a couple of lightning flashes. I nearly took a cab home but decided to walk. I had a lot on my mind. I can't believe the weather. I saw on the news that Sapporo had a meter of snow in the last week. Eek. This storm system over us had better move soon.

Today was the anniversary of the day my Mum died. I often wonder what she would think of me and what I'm doing know. I know she wanted me to be a teacher, but I couldn't bear the thought of teaching children. I do think that she would be proud of me. She left her relatives in Scotland behind to go to Canada and teach, I'm here in Japan having left all of my family behind. Sometimes the parallels are scary.

My classes went pretty well today. I didn't have any bad ones at all. That was nice. I did a lot of prep work. Hopefully I'll be able to prep for my kids classes tomorrow. I have a couple of hours when I might be able to.

I'd better get myself to bed so that I can at least function tomorrow.


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