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February 26, 2000 - Saturday

What a day. I didn't leave the office tonight until 12:30. I was preparing for my meeting and photocopying up a storm.

Today my doorbell rang and it was the gas lady. Hurray. Usually I miss her or she comes at an ungodly hour so I don't open the door, but today I was dressed and had money. Yay! That means that I don't have to go to the main office on Monday and pay it. I'm so happy.

When I left for work today it was actually warm and sunny. It was the first time in a long time that I'd seen the sun and it felt warm. I actually started singing as I was walking. I'm not sure, and in fact hope that no-one heard me, but the hills were alive with the sounds of Shang - a - Lang! That's what I get for leaving The Bay City Rollers Greatest Hits cd in my stereo for 2 weeks!

Work was okay. There was a strange situation though. Last week's student that showed up after cancelling, kind of did it again. He specifically told me he couldn't come this Saturday and asked to re-schedule. He didn't call when he said he would to book the lesson so I assumed that I wouldn't see him this week. Well, unfortunately, he showed up tonight. I was lucky I had prepared a couple of news articles during the week, so it wasn't a disaster, but I wasn't too happy.

After school I finished up and did my last minute stuff. I didn't get to prepare one of my lessons for Tuesday. I hope I'll be able to do it on Tuesday, or tomorrow night after I return.

After I finished it was so late I decided to be extravagant and take a taxi. It was worth every penny. I'm going to post this and then do the sleep thing. Nighty night.

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