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February 28, 2000 - Monday

Today was pseudo- productive. I had to go in to the office to pick up my rent form. I can't write kanji so I need to have someone fill it in for me. Hitomi was nice enough to do it for me this month.

I set my alarm for 11 ish this morning. Late enough so I did sleep in and early enough so I could still do things. I did laundry and then got ready to go out.

It was amazing out there. It was straight out of a Currier and Ives picture. It hadn't stopped snowing all night and it snowed all day too. It is deep. It wasn't too cold, but I'm sure we've had more than 10 inches.

The walk to my office wasn't so great. It was okay, but slow. Still, I wasn't in a hurry so it didn't matter for a change. On the way I mailed a parcel to my sister, and then went in to the office. It was a Cosmo day! Yay!

I grabbed my rent form, my Cosmo and went over the street to see if I could get my hair cut. The hairdresser's wasn't too busy, so I had my hair washed, cut and styled. I like it a lot. She told me that my hair was like powder snow, it kept falling. My hair is so light now that it's hard for her to see!

After my hair cut I went for supper, reading my Cosmo. Trashy mag....I love it!

Then I went back to my office and worked for about an hour on prep for my kids group tomorrow. Then I decided to make the long trek home. It was long by then and the snow was very deep. I stopped off at the video store and rented 3 videos. It's a lot, but I have them for a week. I should have time on the weekend to watch them. After the video store I stopped off at the grocery store and picked up a few groceries. When I came out of the grocery store it had stopped snowing. Hurrah.

This evening at home I watched Sabrina and one of the movies that I rented. It was a bit dumb but kind of fun. And that's it. I'm about ready for bed. Nighty night!

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