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January 10, 2000 - Monday

Written January 11, 2000

We all had good intentions about getting up and going to breakfast and then on to the park early. We went for the Japanese/Western buffet. It was pretty good. I enjoyed it.

Then we went back to the room, and we all vegged for a few minutes. Finally we got up and hit the bus queue. We got to Disneyland and were met by the Peter Pan character. It was funny. He kissed my hand!

We rode a few rides, but sadly one of my favourite rides (Big Thunder Mountain) was closed. Sigh. It was a fun day. We went to see a show and along the way caught a parade in the afternoon. We did ride Space Mountain which is my favourite one in Japan. Yay. It was fun. Hitomi and I had supper while the others went to the hotel to dump our packages. Then Hitomi and I found a place to watch the parade. It was quite cold by then, but a very nice lady loaned us a blanket to sit on. The others joined us later, just in time for the parade. It was really cool. After the parade, the others decided to leave, but Hitomi and I kept going for a bit. Finally we left as the park was closing and joined the long and cold line for the bus back to the hotel.

At the hotel we all just talked, watched TV or read before going to bed and finally to sleep. The room wasn't so hot this night so it wasn't as bad as the night before.

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