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January 12, 2000 - Wednesday

After the last few days when I had such a good time, it was hard to come back down to earth and start working again. Sigh.

Still, I didn't have a terribly busy day. Only five classes, plus I pretty much got my child class planned for tomorrow. It was nice to see some of my students finally back from their New Years holiday.

I managed to get out of the office around 10:00pm tonight which was pretty good. I hate nights when I have to stay really late.

The weather today was pretty good. I thought it would snow a ton yesterday so I took a cab home from the station and didn't ride my bike. That meant that I had to walk to work this morning. It wasn't fun, just because I didn't leave early enough so I had to walk very briskly. The weather itself at the time was sunny and crisp, beautiful walking weather actually. However, walking in big heavy rubber boots that are half a size too big for me is not my idea of fun!

Anyhow, I'm still a bit tired from my adventures on the weekend, so I'm going to post this and hit the sack. Night all.

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