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January 16, 2000 - Sunday

Today was cool. I had a bad headache last night so I decided to go to bed early. I didn't even write my entry last night. I don't often get headaches like that, so I thought I'd best sleep it off.

It worked very well. I woke up this morning because I was chilly. The sun was shining, but it was cold. I turned on the heater and a couple of hours later I dragged my sorry butt out of bed. First I wrote yesterday's entry while I ate breakfast. Then I decided to go out.

My first trip was to a hardware store where I looked for some packing tape. I have some boxes that I need to send home. I went to the store, but they didn't have any.

I then decided to go to the International Center to exchange my books. I am in desperate need of new books and it is too expensive here in Japan to keep buying them. I set off on my bike. It was a nice ride. The streets weren't too busy at all.

When I got there I returned most of my old books and picked up a bunch of others. One of them I've already read. It's about a boy who was terribly abused as a child. To be honest, I've already read it and am more than halfway through the sequel. The first one was "A Child Called It" and the second one is "The Lost Boy". I also got an Elizabeth Peters ( Die for Love), a Helen MacInnes (Ride a Pale Horse), a James Patterson(When the Wind Blows) and a few more. I'm looking forward to reading them all.

After I exchanged my books and had a coffee, I went over to the Haykku yen shop and bought a few things, including my packing tape. Then, I went to Gusto for my supper. It was nice. I had chicken and gratin and rice.

After I finished I cycled in the direction of home. Although it was dark, it was a nice ride. The roads weren't busy at all. I stopped at the video store and even though I promised myself I'd only rent one film, I mysteriously ended up with three. I got Antz, Ronin and Six Days, Seven Nights.

Then I went home, watched The Antiques Road Show, then Batman and Robin on TV. I watched Antz too, but while I enjoyed it, I'm not sure that it was so great. Later I watched Ally McBeal. It was a tearjerker tonight.

And that's it. I have no plans for tomorrow, but I'll think of something. I usually do!


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