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January 17, 2000 - Monday

Today was okay. I slept late then when I got up I watched a bit of TV. I also watched Six Days and Seven Nights. It was okay. I have to admit I think there are worse things than being stranded on a desert island with Harrison Ford!

I finally packaged up some of the things I bought to send to my sister. Yay!

I went out to buy groceries and then for supper. It was nice. I have been reading the Elizabeth Peters novel that I borrowed yesterday. It is great.

On TV tonight they showed Slapshot with Paul Newman and Michael Ontkean. I saw it years ago, but I didn't know enough about hockey at the time to get the jokes. Now I can see that it is pretty funny.

Anyhow, that's it for me for tonight. Tomorrow I'm back to work. Sigh. I'll be a little busy tomorrow.

Catch you later....

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