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January 18, 2000 - Tuesday

At work today I was a bit lonely. I was the only person in the office. I was however, quite busy. I had six lessons. Not that that is a terrible amount or anything, but it means I had a lot to do.

I think that all of my classes went well. It was a good teaching day. In my last class I had my students writing and performing in their own radio commercial. It was pretty good.

I got out of work early tonight so I went to Mr Donuts for a quick bite to eat. It was nice. I had the wonton set.

I came home tonight and watched Cracker. It was a good one, as always.

The weather continues to be nice. I'm not complaining. I'm very happy about it actually! If we don't get snow this winter I really won't mind.

Anyhow, I've got e-mail to write, so I'll catch you later!

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