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January 19, 2000 - Wednesday

The morning was lovely. It was warm, almost spring like. Tonight however it is raining. It isn't too cold, but it is raining. Sigh.

Today's classes went quite well, but sadly one of my students had a death in his family so he couldn't come.

I did a little bit of paperwork, but not as much as I'll need to do tomorrow. Sigh. I hate paperwork.

I did get a parcel of tapes from Van, and yes, once again they were opened by customs. Honestly, I seem to get picked on so much. I don't know whether to be flattered that they always pick on me or upset because they always pick on me!
Heaven forbid that I might get something unopened. Still, I guess it means that those of us in Japan are all safe from bad things touching us.

She also sent me a picture of me in one of my school uniforms. I looked darn cute back then. I wonder what happened.

Anyhow, tomorrow is a busy day, so I'll be off now. Catch ya soon....

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