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January 21, 2000 - Friday

It was cold today. Walking to and from work today wasn't so bad....yes I had to walk. Yes I know that it's good exercise and I don't mind that part of it, it's the unswept sidewalks (or in some places no sidewalks at all), the killer wind and the pea sized snow balls that I don't like. It takes about 35 minutes to walk. Not too bad.

I got some mail today. My friend Susan sent me a couple of books. Yay. I love books. Did I ever mention that? :-)

Work was fine. I got a lot of planning done. My last class wasn't too genki though. I don't know what happened. Sigh.

Hitomi and I had a good talk after work tonight. No comments about the subject, but we have both been feeling the same way for a while, but didn't know it.

Tomorrow night there's a party after work, so I might be a bit late. Don't wait up!

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