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January 22, 2000 - Saturday

I'm a bit late with this update, but it's worth it, I think!

The walk to work was nice, not too bad at all. I was running a bit late though so I was a bit out of breath when I arrived at school, but nothing serious.

Work was fine. It was a bit slow as my two private classes cancelled. I only had my two double length classes. They seemed to go well.

It's my friend Taeko's birthday today, so we got a lot of students to sign a fax for her and sent it to her. I hope she got it.

The party after work went really well. We had 14 people come, including the staff of the school. We always think that only 8 or so people will come and then a few more do, so it was nice. We went to an izakaya called Benkei's. The food is really good there. The waiter knows my name and always calls me "Miss Helen". I feel a bit like a Kindergarten Teacher, but it's kind of nice too. I had my favourites....jagabutta (sort of a baked potato in a lot of butter) and ume chasukay (rice in water with a plum, seaweed and some wasabi), as well as lots of other things.

After eating we went to a karaoke box. Well, 12 of us did. Unfortunately we could only get a room for 8 people so we were a bit crowded, but it was still fun. Everyone sang a bit, so it was nice. I sang four songs, so I wasn't a microphone hog or anything. The last song I sang was the last song of the evening actually, John Lennon's "Imagine". It was nice because I could hear that lots of people were singing with me and it was a nice mellow way to end the evening.

After that we gathered up our things, called a lot of taxis and went our merry, tired ways. Hitomi and I shared a cab up to my place and then she continued on her way.

At home I checked my e-mail and then went to bed. Yes, I did write this late, but I did tell you not to wait up for me!

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