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January 25, 2000 - Tuesday

Happy Robert Burns Day!

It wasn't much fun walking to work today, but it was even less fun walking home. There had been a few centimetres of snow fall during the day so it wasn't easy to see the ice under the snow, but I did make it!

Work itself was fun, but I did have one cancellation and many of my classes started late. Two interesting things happened, a person who was thinking of leaving has decided to stay but change classes and one of my students who is a devoted reader of this page used one of my expressions in class today. She got it from this home page and asked me why I used it. A while ago I had described the weather as "just awful" so today I heard my student use it in class. It was really cool.

I stopped at the grocery store on the way home tonight and bought a few groceries. I was surfing the produce department and I saw an actual zucchini (courgette for you Brits). I haven't seen one in 3 years. I nearly bought it for nostalgia, but since I have no plans to cook this week, I didn't.

Once at home I watched Cracker, played a few video games and then wrote this entry. I'm still waiting for my apartment to get up to a decent temperature. My heater's been on for an hour and a half and it's still only 17 degrees in here.

That's it for tonight. Have a good one.

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