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January 26, 2000 - Wednesday

My classes went really well today. In one class in particular the student and I were really "on". It was a great class. I really enjoyed it.

The walk to work today was a bit more difficult. There had been a few centimeters of snow during the night. It wasn't terribly cold but colder than it has been lately. I was lucky today though, I got a ride home. Hitomi's sister picked her up and I got a ride with them. I'm glad as it has been snowing all day. When we got near my place they let me out and I just finished saying to Hitomi "I know there is a ditch here" when I cleverly stepped in it. I didn't fall or anything, and didn't hurt myself, but it was really funny.

There wasn't a lot happening today, really nothing worth writing a lot about. So, I won't! Maybe tomorrow I'll have more exciting things to write about.

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