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January 27, 2000 - Thursday

I actually got up early today. I decided to try to leave my apartment early so I could go to the post office and the bank. I even managed to do it.

There was a lot of snow to wade through, but it was gloriously sunny. It reminded me of some nice spring days in Edmonton. I managed to get to the bank to get a rent form and to the post office to get Taeko's present mailed off to her.

My classes went okay today. The child's class actually went the best of them all. We didn't come anywhere close to finishing the rest though. Sigh.

In other news of my day, about a week ago the manager gave me some coffee. It was a thank-you present from a local company. Well, I drank some of it today and I was still tasting in hours later. If anyone offers you banana mocha coffee, don't accept. It just isn't worth it!

I called some of the other teachers today, it was nice to talk to them.

I got a ride home from Hitomi's sister again, but tonight I didn't fall in the ditch! Yay!

And that's it. Just work today.

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