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January 28, 2000 - Friday

It was quite warm today, even when I walked home. It's nice, it just means that the snow is melting and squishy. It's hard to walk on. Well, actually it isn't hard, that's the problem. It's a bit like walking on sand. Still it didn't snow today, so I rather enjoyed the walk home. But, I'm getting ahead of myself again.

The day was a bit long. I didn't have a lot of classes, but I felt like I had a lot to do. I did do a bit of prep work for next week, but not as much as I should have.

After work today I went out with the manager for supper. It was really nice. I had "chahan and gyoza" (fried rice and Chinese dumplings.) Then I walked home, but I already wrote about that before.

Tonight I called my sister and we chatted for a bit. It was nice for a change.

Anyway, I've got to go, I'm really tired....

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