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January 29, 2000 - Saturday

Today was quite warm. It was fairly nice outside all day. The problem for me came tonight when I walked home. Unfortunately the snow had melted in places and then refroze. On my way home I had to be very careful and I almost fell a couple of times.

I did stop at the video store and I rented three movies. I'll let you know if they are any good. Well one is, I know that. I rented The Usual Suspects. It's been a while since I watched it.

Oh yes, I didn't tell you about work today. It was pretty good. One of my students cancelled though, so I wasn't as busy as I thought I'd be. I got a lot of paper work done which was nice. I have some classes changing times next week so I had to change all my contracts too! Arghh! My actual classes went quite well. It was great.

So, today was good. I had a good day.

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