January 30, 2000 - Sunday
Today was kind of a lazy day. I went to bed really late last night and then when
I did go to bed, the doorbell rang. 5:20 am and the doorbell goes off. I did get
up and spy out the peephole but I couldn't see anyone. A few moments later I opened
the door and I couldn't see anyone, but I could hear them tramping around in the snow downstairs.
It was really dark, and a bit weird. I closed my door, locked it and put the latch
over too. Then I went to bed and slept and slept and slept.
Today I got up and watched The Chamber
. It was okay. Not great, but okay. Gene Hackman was good as always. Later in
the day I went out to a drugstore, found a soft toothbrush and some hair spray, then
came home. I watched The Antique Road Show, and bemoaned the fact that I don't have
any. Antiques that is.
After I watched the show, I went across the street to Kintaro Sushi. It was late,
around 8:00 pm and they weren't very busy. They also didn't have revolving sushi!
I had to order off the menu. I'm so glad that I can read hiragana! I'm also glad
that I've learned a lot of sushi names too. I got quite a bit of sushi that I liked! I
think that the people there were a bit nervous at first, because they didn't know
if I could order anything, but I did fine! I felt great after, like I really accomplished
something. It was only sushi, but I did it myself!
Then I watched some TV that Van had sent me, then Ally McBeal and then discovered
that The Player
was on so I just watched it. Good film!
And, so on to bed? Night!
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