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July 14, 2000 - Friday

A strange day. I was woken by the telephone at 8:30 am, and by the time I woke up and made it to the phone the answering machine picked it up. The person hung up and then called again. This time I answered and they hung up on me. I went back to bed and listened to Dean Martin and then Right Said Fred until I got up. Nice!

I got to the office building and met a delivery man coming off the elevator. He saw me and asked if I worked for my school. I said yes, so he stayed on and followed me back to the office. I opened up the office and signed for the boxes. Then he went off on his way.

Work was slow, one class rescheduled for next week. The children's class went quite well though. I was quite happy about it.

I did a chat time tonight but it wasn't very well attended. Only 3 people came, and we talked about things to do in Otaru. I found out about a couple of things that I'll have to check out.

After work we had a little drinking party for one of my co-workers. It was her birthday on Wednesday. It was nice, but I was in a strange mood and didn't do much but eat and watch music videos. I couldn't really hear the music, but it was nice to just watch. I left at midnight, I would have liked to stay longer but tomorrow I have many, many lessons. Yikes!

Actually, I'm glad I did, because when I came home I got a phone call. I'm getting company at the end of the month. Oh my. I have to do some serious cleaning and unpacking now! I'm really looking forward to it though.

And that's it for me for tonight. I'll catch you later, maybe....

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