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June 3, 2000 - Saturday

The weather today was hot and sunny. That was nice, but the air-conditioning in the office wasn't working. We had to leave the doors and the windows in my classroom open all day.

I realized on the way to work this morning that I forgot to write about something that bugged me. There was a crow nesting in a tree outside the school. Crows aren't the most beautiful of birds, but it was cool to watch it build the nest and I was hoping to see the babies before I left. But, yesterday the city trimmed a lot of the trees, and yes, they trimmed the nest away. I was quite angry.

So, today, I was a bit busy. I had 6 lessons, not too bad, kind of doable. It was really sad for me though because it was my last Saturday. My last class even gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. It's so gorgeous. Yellow-orange roses, carnations, a couple of lilies. Wow.

After work I did a bit of paperwork and then started to clean out a few drawers. I packed two big boxes of books and cleaned out a few drawers so I hope I can do a few on Monday night or sometime at school next week.

Shimi brought me some supper at the school too. Fried rice and salad. It was really good, but unfortunately very garlicky and oniony!

I got home around midnight and my friend phoned to fix a time for us to meet tomorrow. So, I'm going to get some sleep now, if I don't, I'll never get up!

Night all...

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