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March 9, 2000 - Thursday

This morning I walked to work again. It wasn't too bad, because the snow was still light and a bit powdery. It was very sunny so I was a bit worried about getting snow blindness more than anything else!

Work was okay, except I could only talk to a couple of my teachers when I called them. One of my students that I hadn't seen for a while came to class today, and another that I was starting to worry about called so that was nice!

My child's lesson went well today too. It wasn't as great as last week, but it was okay. I'm having trouble getting him to write, but it's early days yet.

After work tonight I did get offered a ride home by Hitomi, but I hadn't finished work, so I didn't take it. Stupid me. When I did finish, the walk home was awful. The wind was so strong...I thought I'd have to change my name to Dorothy. (Think about it!) I'm a pretty sturdy woman and I was being blown all over. I did stop at the grocery store and I picked up some stuff for supper and breakfast.

As soon as I got inside my apartment the telephone rang. It was my friend Pamella, making plans for our weekend. She's coming here for a visit this Sunday. I'm looking forward to it, except my place needs to be thoroughly cleaned. Would anyone like to earn some money?

And then I wrote my entry. Next....bed. Nighty night!

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