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May 17, 2000 - Wednesday

My day started with a surprise. I got an e-mail from an old friend and found out that I have made her dumb quotes page. I think I'm happy. I made a rude crack about Akebono, for whom I actually have a lot of respect. Still, I made it. Yay!

Work was okay today. I had 6 lessons, and I did counselling in 4 of them. Yikes. That's a lot of work. Then, I had to stay late and do more prep work for tomorrow's counselling. I finally left at....midnight. The nice thing was that I had a quiet ride home.

On the way home I saw a guy riding a scooter. You know, the kind that you might have had as a kid, ride with one foot and push with the other. They are becoming very hi-tech now and are very popular in Japan. I've heard in Tokyo they are used all the time. Well, it was after midnight and a guy was using one in lil ol' Tsuruoka!

I feel a bit like I've been burning the candle at both ends. I have tons of works to do, but I'm so darn tired. I should go to bed now, but I think I'll try and pack something. I tried last night, but ended up going through old letters and throwing them out. It was a bit sad as I hate to do that, but what can I do?

Anyway, gotta go.....

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