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May 31, 2000 - Wednesday

Today was okay. I got some work done. I finally picked up the quilts that I had cleaned. Hurray.

I planned a lesson today on giving directions. It was darn difficult, but I think it was fun.

I did something that I wasn't sure I could do. I made plans for Sunday. ;-)

Anyway, today was busy. Tomorrow will be too. So will the rest of the week. Last minute getting ready for the new teacher and all that. I'm taking pictures of my students and getting people to sign my goodbye book.

Tonight on 90210, Steve and Janet got married. It was very sweet except Janet was blubbering all over the place. I don't understand that. I thought it was a happy thing. And Gina and David got together. Hmm.

I realize that this isn't up to my usual high standard. I apologize. I have some serious things on my mind and I'm not sure what I should be doing about them. Sigh....

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