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November 21, 2000 - Tuesday

Today was a pretty good day. I had such a great weekend that I had lots of energy today. Unfortunately 2 of my classes cancelled, but I had a feeling they might anyway.

It was raining this morning when I left. That meant that a lot of the snow from the weekend was melting away...hurray. The walk to work wasn't as terrible as I thought it might be.

I actually ate breakfast at home so I didn't need to buy it this morning. I was happy about that.

At work I did a lot of prep work and taught my classes. I don't know. I had a good day. I talked to my boss today. She was trying to find out my future plans but I still have to do some planning so I'm afraid I wasn't able to tell her anything.

After work I came home and cooked. Yes, again! Twice in one week. It's amazing. I made pasta....I heated the sauce in my rice cooker, then when the pasta was cooked, I added it to keep it hot. It worked well. I had some other kind of pork...probably for yakiniku, but still good with cold apple sauce and pasta on the side. I even did the dishes afterwards, again. I can't quite believe it.

I just watched a little bit of TV, nothing special and I think I'll go to bed after I post this. Nighty night!

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