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November 27, 2000 - Monday

Snow. I don' t mean those cute fuzzy little flakes that you catch on your tongue, but those heavy wet blooming flakes that stick to your clothes and the road and everywhere. We have that kind of snow here in Hokkaido. Boo!

I had a pretty good day though. I went to my lesson this morning and had a good time. I practiced a lot of Japanese. After the lesson I paid some bills at the convenience store, then I came back to my apartment. I sent a few e-mails and watched a bit of TV. Then I decided to head out and get some shopping done.

I caught a train to Sapporo but I couldn't get a seat. I had to stand the whole way to Sapporo. The train was really crowded, probably because of the bad weather.

When I got to Sapporo I finally decided to explore the Apia area underground. It was really nice. I like it very much. It also connects to a lot of the stores, so I was able to go to The Loft underground. I did a little bit of shopping there, then headed out to Tokyu Hands. It was hard slogging outside, there was so much snow. Tokyu Hands was fun to poke around in. I had a cup of Earl Grey tea there, it was good, but they didn't put milk in it...ack! It's so important I think. I found things for the guys that I had to buy for and I tried out my Japanese as well. I used the lessons that I'd had a couple of weeks ago to buy the things.

After I finished shopping I went next door to The New York Cafe. It was great! The waiters actually seemed happy to see me and they gave me an English menu. I had fried onions, which was kind of like onion rings without the rings, and a bacon and mushroom salad. Yum. They have buffalo chicken wings there too. I think I'll be going back for more.

When I finished I headed off towards the station. It was pretty nasty on the way back so close to the station I ducked into the underground area again and walked in the warm and snowless area. I bought my ticket and there was a train leaving almost immediately. I didn't catch it. It was packed and there was no way I'd get a seat. I waited for the next one. I was lucky, I did manage to get a seat.

Back in Otaru I got off the train. It was nasty walking home, but at least the road wasn't too busy. I made it with no problems.

At home I unpacked my bag a bit and then watched ER. That's about it for today. I'm off to bed soon. Night!

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