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April 9, 2001 - Monday

A good day but sad. The weather was wonderful today...not cold at all.

I got up and went to my Japanese lesson. I was a bit late...but it was good. I really need to study more.

Then it was off to Sapporo. I caught a train and met Pamella without any trouble. We were both really hungry so we went to the Taj Mahal restaurant for curry. It was great. I had The Taj Special which was chicken curry and vegetable curry with nan. Mega yum. For afters I had an Indian Milk Tea.

After that we went to the travel company and I paid for my trip and also bought Travel Insurance. I'm glad I did. Hopefully nothing bad will happen, but you just never know!

Then we went walking. We walked to Sususkino and hacked around, met a lady on the street who heard us speaking in English and stopped for a chat. That was quite nice actually. Pamella showed me a yakitori restaurant, a good coffee shop and a place where I can buy a lot of imported foods.

Then we went for coffee and desert. I had trifle which wasn't trifle as I know it but was still good and earl grey tea. It was nice to sit and relax after all the walking. Then we went to Maruzen Books and...get this....I DIDN'T buy anything. Not a darn thing.

Then we went to The Body Shop, where I did buy some lip balm as mine has just about finished and some Body Mask. It's this green stuff that you put on all over and then rinse off a few minutes later. I'll let you know how it is!

Somewhere in the day I also bought myself an electric shaver. It has a bunch of attachments and I'm not entirely sure what it will do...I probably won't keep you posted on that one though!

After The Body Shop we were going to go back to the station but detoured again to go to Muji. I call it the No-name store. It was great...I got some of my favourite junk food things and some stuff for work.

Then, we headed back to the station and had coffee. We sat and talked for a while until it was time for me to leave. We said goodbye at the train gate and hugged our goodbyes. I was almost crying as I went to my train. I don't know when I'll see Pamella again and she's been a really good friend to me.

I got a seat on the train and acted quite Japanese on the train...I dozed a bit. I don't usually do that, but I was tired. I got off at Otaruchikko to see if there was a movie I wanted to see, but there wasn't. I mean, there were movies that I wanted to see, but I didn't. Some finished after the last train, or were just too violent to see at this time of night, so I caught another train home.

And that was my day. It was a long, but really nice day.

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