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August 29, 2001 - Wednesday

A busy day today, but not as busy as it was supposed to be. I thought it would really hectic, but all the classes went well, and one student didn't show up so I got a bit of a rest. That was nice!

I've been telling more students about my big news and so far everyone is quite positive about it. I'm glad.

My two kids lessons went quite well today too. The first one of the two got a bit loud, but other than that was fine. He even sang a bit in class. The second one they actually seemed to understand what I wanted them to do. The boy in the class echoed everything that I said was quite funny. Then I tried saying "Supercallifragilesticexpialidocious" to him and of course he couldn't do it. Am I evil or what? It was fun getting him to try though.

I didn't get out of the school until late, but actually that was mostly because I just took things easy and didn't rush. It was a little relaxing actually.

Then I came home and watched Charmed, which was rather interesting tonight. Now I'm watching a concert of Westlife, but I don't know them so I'm going to watch the show I taped earlier today.

Oh, yeah, I watched Due South last night. What a hoot! I loved that show when it first came out. Paul Gross....what a babe!

And that's it. I'm going to go to bed soon after I answer some email. Night night!

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