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August 31, 2001 - Friday

It rained on and off today, it was kind of a miserable day outside.

I had a problem waking up this morning. My battery alarm clock didn't go off at 9:00 am like it was supposed to, but I did wake up about twenty after nine to the sounds of Billy Idol singing Rebel Yell, so that was okay.

I had problems sleeping last night. I watched a stupid Michelle Pfeiffer movie last night and then I couldn't sleep. I don't know why, the movie wasn't very good, but I just couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned for a long time. Then, when I did fall asleep, I woke up coughing.

I went to work and things were okay, I was my usual amount of busy. I had to plan for tomorrow's classes. I hope that they'll be okay. I ended up staying late at the office again, but not as late as last night, thank goodness.

In my children's class today, one of the little girls sorely tried my patience. She brought her game boy into class and at one point tried to play it. I couldn't believe it! The other girls are fairly well behaved, but she's a pain. I don't know if she's bored or what, but she isn't too interested in speaking English.

Oh well.

I came home and had some Ochasuke. I bought an instant pack a while ago, and only now ate it. It was quite good. I miss getting great Ochasuke at Benkei's in Tsuruoka. Oh well.

I want to get to bed soon, so I'm going to close this. Have a good day! See you on the morrow, but later than usual. I have an after work party tomorrow night. Yay!

Night night.

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