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February 1, 2001 - Thursday

The weather today was very very changeable. When I walked to work it was a lovely balmy 1 degree, but when I came home it was a windy, snowy -2. It wasn't that cold, but the wind made it feel a bit colder. During the day it had actually rained so I was afraid that it would be a little slippery tonight but it was okay.

I taught a new student today and it went really well. He seems like a very nice guy. My other classes went well too. We talked about reporting hotel problems in one of them, that was fun.

I had to stay late tonight. I chatted to Justin for a while which was nice and then I did my paper work. Then, I chatted to Michiyo for a while. That was also nice. I was asking her about a good jewellry store. I have a pair of handmade earrings that I bought in Quebec. A piece of one has broken off and I'd like to get them fixed. I may have to get my left ear re-pierced though, as the hole has grown over. Ouch!

On my way home tonight I went to the convenience store and bought myself a tuna/udon salad. It was darn good.

It was also the third installment of Tom Jones. That was very very interesting. It's reminding me that I should do more reading of the classics. I haven't read anything for a while. Well, I mean anything in the field of literature that is! I don't think Cosmo counts somehow.

And that's about it. My day, so far. I hope to get to bed fairly soon as I'm quite wiped out. The last few days I haven't gone to bed as early as I planned too. I've been having internet problems. Let's hope they're sorted out soon.

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