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February 8, 2001 - Thursday

It's a little cold today, -7 tonight. It snowed quite a lot during the day too.

I was moderately busy at work. Only moderately. My first 3 hours at work I taught 3 classes. Not the most I've ever had, but not bad either. My lessons went quite well I think.

When I got home tonight my apartment was warm. Yay. I'd set the timer to go on just a bit before I got home so that it wouldn't be too cold to do anything when I got home. Last night when I got home it was cold and I just froze. I just sat and shivered.

So, when I got home, I cleaned! Yep, I cleaned the toilet room and the bathroom. Here in Japan those are two separate rooms. I think they are pretty clean, I'll check the shower tomorrow morning to be sure.

I watched tonight's episode of Tom Jones, except for the first 20 minutes. I'm just going to try to watch that now as I post this entry. I must say that I'm enjoying it immensely. As I watched it I ate some wonderful popcorn that I bought a couple of days ago. It was yummy. Have I ever mentioned how much I love popcorn? I could eat it every day. In fact I prefer to.

Anyway, I'm off to bed, nighty-night.

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