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January 17, 2001 - Wednesday

What a day! Unfortunately I can't really talk about it all, but trust was a day.

In the morning I ate some miso soup and headed off for work. The convenience store was out of good sandwiches. All they had left was strawberry sandwiches and egg sandwiches. Yuck. I didn't want either. I ended up getting a couple of onigiri instead.

When I got to the school, that's when I found out about the interesting thing, but I can't talk about it. It was very surprising though.

My classes went well. In one of my kids classes we did a song. It didn't go over terribly well, but it was fun anyway. We were all laughing at it.

After work, I was nice and waited for Justin to finish with his student before leaving. Well, when he finished, he just left. I thought it would be rude to get changed and leave while he was talking. Oh well. I changed and left the school. I was halfway down the covered mall when I realized that I couldn't remember if I had unplugged the water pot, so I went back to check. Then I decided to go to Mister Donut and buy some cinnamon rolls. When I was there I ended up buying some soup and apple juice too. When I went to sit down, I saw one of Justin's students so I sat with her for a while. She showed me her pictures of Peru. They were beautiful. I've never thought about going there before, but I'm tempted now.

After that, I came home and ate a couple of the cinnamon rolls. They were darn good. I watched Boy Meets World too. It ain't Shakespeare, but it has its moments.

Anyway, that's it for me for tonight. Night!

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