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July 28, 2001 - Saturday

Another one of my patented busy days at work. I had 7 lessons, most of which were two hours long. They went fairly well. And, I had some good news, one of my students said she'd like to continue! Yay.

I ordered chicken curry for lunch. It was really nice. I often go out and buy something, but I didn't want to today.

It was the last day of our Yukata Days and it was fun, but to be honest, I really am glad that I don't have to wear my yukata next week! I love it to pieces, but it gets a bit uncomfortable with the board and everything in.

After work I went out for a drink with my manager and Michiyo. We went to Scampos. It was really nice. The food was good and I even had a drink. Around 11:20 we went our separate ways.

I watched Roswell tonight, but I have to re-watch it as I missed a bunch of it. And Dharma and Greg too. That one was really funny.

And that's my day. I'm beat, so I'm going to go to bed soon. Hopefully! Mind you, I have no plans for tomorrow, so that's okay. I can sleep if I want to.


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