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June 4, 2001 - Monday

I didn't go to bed last night until 4:00 in the morning. When I finally did wake up I had to rush a bit to get ready for my lesson. I wolfed down my breakfast and then left my apartment.

My lesson was fine. Afterwards I chatted with my teacher for a bit and then I left. I caught a bus and went to the mall.

I decided to go and see Chocolat, the Juliette Binoche/Johnny Depp film. I enjoyed it very much.

I also went to a coffee shop but it was weird. The girl asked me something that I totally didn't understand. I didn't feel very welcome and I won't be going back there.

After the movie I went to the bookstore and ended up buying myself the new Patricia Cornwell novel in paperback. Yay! I've been waiting for that one. I also got this book that talks about some stories that the more trashy Japanese papers cover. Some weird and woolly stuff!

I came home around 8:00 pm and watched Sabrina, then I watched a really cool interview with Steven Spielberg. After that I decided to take a bath.

Of course, taking a bath entailed washing the bath first. It wasn't that bad, but the shower part needed cleaning anyway. So, I got in the bath and read some of my new books, before I got out and wrote this.

And that's it for my day. I'll likely go to bed fairly soon. Night!

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